Sunday, September 18, 2011

Using Pottery for Holding Toiletries

Pottery always looks so natural and welcoming. I love to use it to house some of my bathroom things like cotton balls, bobby pins, and hair binders. It warms up the room!

What are some other creative things you do with pottery?

Joel Cherrico is an art major graduate from CSBSJU who now makes pottery that he sometimes sells at a discount to his fellow students at St. Bens. The pottery in the picture is Cherrico pottery. If you are interested in buying your own Cherrico pottery, his website is

With simple happiness,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Little About Me... I Love Tea!

Hello Everybody!

My first post. Hehe :) Let's dive right in!

In the spirit of autumn, I have been drinking more and more tea. My favorite is GoodEarth's Original 'Sweet & Spicy' Tea and Herb Blend ($4.49 for 18 bags). Its flavor is a rich, robust sweet cinnamon which is warming and delightful for the cooler weather! I have been having it every morning to help wake me up. It also has some notes of orange to make it subtly sweet. Also, I love the anise flavor, which is wonderful for sore throats or people who just plain love anise (me!).

Ingredients for GoodEarth tea: black tea, rosehips, cinnamon, chamomile, lemongrass, peppermint, papaya, jasmine tea, anise seed, ginger root, orange peel and orange oil.

If you're looking for another brand, Harney & Sons has a similar tea called Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea ($6 for 20 bags). I prefer the Good Earth simply because I like the anise and it has more flavor. Harney & Sons cinnamon tea doesn't have anise in it (for those of you who don't necessarily appreciate the black licorice-y flavor of anise) and it is lighter in flavor.

Ingredients for Harney & Sons tea: black tea, cinnamon, orange peel and sweet cloves.

The best way to buy tea is online in bulk. My mom, Christine, just sent me an early birthday present (Oct. 17th!) of 50 tea bags of Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea. Only $10 for 50 tea bags! Its a much better deal than $6 for 20 bags.

Want to cuddle up with your own cup of tea this fall? Find it at or

With simple happiness,